Customer experience survey announces : NATURATA Luxembourg again in the Top 10
In a customer survey carried out in altogether 27 countries, NATURATA Luxembourg scores the outstanding 6th position in the multi-sectoral national ranking ; and thus improves by two positions in comparison to the previous year. Related to the grocery trade, one of the nine key sectors, NATURATA even leads the ranking.
We are very pleased about the recognition and satisfaction of our customers. We acknowledge it as further motivation and thank you for your trust.
The globally acting audit and consultancy company KPMG recently published the result of its youngest study on “customer experience” : the “Customer Experience Excellence Research 2020“. This year, the traditional study had been carried out during the currently prevailing corona crisis. Accordingly, the consumers were asked to name the one company, which adapted the fastest and the best to the current crisis.
Improved score in the second year
Already for the second time, NATURATA was able to convince its customers show an excellent ranking. The study was carried out by asking a representative sample of consumers of the respective country to score their personal experience as clients in a total of nine key industries. The ranking was calculated on the basis of predetermined categories : the “six pillars of customer satisfaction”. In detail, these are “integrity”, “solutions”, “expectations”, “personal contact”, “time consumption and effort” as well as “empathy”.
In total, 80 companies and institutions have been presented to the 1000 participants in Luxembourg – separated into nine sectors. In the following, the top ten of the survey (sector-wide) are illustrated : © KPMG
NATURATA ranks 1st again referred to the grocery retail sector.
More information : https://www.oikopolis.lu/en/news/kundenzufriedenheitsstudie-ergibt-naturata-luxemburg-wieder-unter-den-top-10