Université du Luxembourg recrute !
Research Facilitator (m/w)
- University degree in STEM – Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, candidates with a Computer Sciences background will be given preference ;
- Experience (3-5 years) in research proposal writing and project management (e.g. H2020, INTERREG), project monitoring, fundraising, budget management, editing of activity reports is an asset ;
- Experience in the use of common computer software and collaborative on-line platforms ;
- Excellent communication, organisational and interpersonal skills ;
- Excellent command of English and French / German. Preference will be given to candidates fluent in all languages.
Please apply online via the University’s recruitment website : http://recruitment.uni.lu/en/
For further information about the vacancy please contact Berta Rato, Team Leader, Tel. (+00 352) 46 66 44 5804, email : berta.rato@uni.lu
Deadline : June 30th,2020
More information :https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/...