European Microfinance Week : record number of inclusive finance professionals
The European Microfinance Week from November 15 to 17, hosted by InFiNe member European Microfinance Platform, was attended by a record of more than 650 financial inclusion professionals from 61 countries in person and online.
The event comprised more than 40 sessions at which experts engaged in discussions on the sector’s most pressing issues, and attendees benefited from networking opportunities, both in person and online.
All sessions were livestreamed, and the recordings are now accessible on the conference website, with plans for broader publication early next year. The event brought together all sectors of the inclusive finance industry including consultants and support service providers, investors, multilateral and national development agencies, NGOs and researchers.
The first day of European Microfinance Week also saw the launch of a new NGO, Sunflower Seeds, a non-profit organisation created to promote female entrepreneurship and personal development through financial support and mentorship. Sunflower Seeds was launched by two InFiNe members, Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA) and Innpact, as a commemoration of Corinne Molitor, a partner at Innpact, and board member and eventually president of ADA before her untimely death in 2020.