Impact Investment & Organizational Change
11.02.2022 From 12:00 to 13:00
You are passionate about social and impact finance ?
Then this presentation is for you !
Join this InFiNe.lu Digital Event on impact investment & organizational change. The specific focus will be the Sustainable Development Goal 14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”
You will also have the opportunity to know more about the Oxford Social Finance Programmes.
Philippe Mores, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign & European Affairs and InFiNe.lu grantee will share the insights from the Oxford Impact Investing Programme and will answer your questions with :
Steve Brewster, Associate Director, Oxford University Saïd Business School, Executive Education - Finance
Jost Neumann, TUI Care Foundation, Participant in the Oxford Impact Investing Programme 2021
Eleni Theodorou, Participant in the Oxford Impact Investing Programme 2021
This InFiNe.lu event is digital and in English.
Register before February 10th at contact@infine.lu