In Q3 2024 LuxFLAG labels 12 new investment product

In Q3 2024 LuxFLAG labels 12 new investment product

The Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG) is pleased to inform that 12 new financial products have been granted the use of a LuxFLAG Label, for a total of 264 labelled investment and insurance products, with 132.18 billion euros of assets under management in Q3 2024.

The newly labelled financial products are* :
▪ Moorea Fund - SG Credit Millesime 2029
▪ Preim Care
▪ SC Proxima Vie
▪ Tomorrow Private Equity Fund I
▪ European Student Accommodation Core Fund
▪ Global Gender Smart Fund (ex MEF) S.A.
▪ Incofin Climate-Smart Microfinance Fund

The funds which were granted the use of the LuxFLAG Applicant Fund Status are :
▪ SCOR Real Estate Loans V
▪ RAISE Impact 2 S.L.P
▪ Decarbonization Fund II SLP
▪ Decarbonization Fund II - Luxembourg Feeder SCSp
▪ Federal Obligations Echéance 2029
* Please note that the list might not be exhaustive

The full list of LuxFLAG labelled investment and insurance products is available on LuxFLAG website.
These investment and insurance products are domiciled in six jurisdictions viz. Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg.

LuxFLAG Labels are valid for a period of twelve months and are subject to renewal on expiry.

Press release by LuxFLAG

About LuxFLAG

LuxFLAG is an independent and international non-profit labelling agency which was founded in Luxembourg by seven public and private partners in July 2006.

LuxFLAG aims to contribute to sustainable development and promotes transparency by awarding a recognizable label to financial and insurance products. At present, LuxFLAG offers seven different labels which can be broadly classified into two different categories namely Impact Labels (Microfinance, Climate Finance, Environment, Green Bonds) and Transition Labels (ESG, ESG Insurance Product and ESG Discretionary Mandate). Please visit our website for more detailed information on LuxFLAG’s Labels, the application process and
eligibility criteria.

In January 2019, LuxFLAG became the first sustainable finance labelling agency in Europe to obtain the ISAE 3000 Type II certification (International Standard on Assurance Engagement). Since then, LuxFLAG has annually obtained the renewal of this certification. It underscores LuxFLAG’s commitment to maintaining rigorous standards for its processes and services related to issuing labels to Sustainable Finance investment vehicles.

Publié le lundi 14 octobre 2024
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