Inclusive Savings where and how you least expect it
Inclusive Savings where and how you least expect it 28 September, 12:00-13:00
The digital InFiNe.lu event on inclusive savings will showcase the experience
of two organisations that offer savings products to a hard-to-reach clientele.
What are/have been their challenges, solutions and lessons learned ?
- Fansoto is a Senegalese MFI, supported by Entrepreneurs du Monde, which offers regular savings of small amounts (1 or 2 euros), collected onsite, to a population in a very unstable region (armed confict).
- Muktinath Bikas Bank Ltd, the Nepalese Development bank, offers several savings products, including long-term savings (pension savings) and savings for migrant workers, to a local population living in remote areas.
Fansoto and Muktinath Bikas Bank Ltd are respectively semi-finalist and winner of the 2020 European Microfinance Award Encouraging Effective & Inclusive Savings.
More information on the event and speakers here
The event is digital and in English.