Luxembourg Sustainability Management Series (LSMS)
15/03/2023 Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
These training sessions aim to introduce participants to the major issues of sustainable development and their concrete application in a company’s strategy. These 11 modules are based on the intervention of specialised professionals, who will share their expertise with the attendees. Indeed, each session is introduced by a lead speaker who will present the theme and its challenges. They will then be joined by a second spokesperson animating a case study. The plurality of the speakers will allow the participants to acquire theoretical knowledge but also to benefit from field experiences.
At the end of this training, participants will be able to identify the development opportunities emerging from the integration of ESG criteria into a global strategy and the resulting growth opportunities.
Detailed Programme
Define and publish a purpose that is compatible with sustainable development
Lead Speaker : Andy Schmidt - Cofounder & Chief Community Officer - Seismic
Case study speaker : Erica Van Ossel Leclercq - Communication Strategy Advisor, Executive Coach, B Leader - Becolux S.A
- The importance of purpose
- Implications of the purpose in terms of governance and management
- Effective methods in order to develop and deploy the raison d’être for a company
- Case study
Integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) into the corporate strategy and business model
Lead Speaker : Philippe Drouillon - Metamorphosis | Certified B Corporation
Case study speaker : Sabrina Alam - Head of Space Sustainability and ESG Programme Manager · SES Satellites
- Presentation of the different notions (ESG / CSR / Sustainability) and their importance for companies through practical cases
- Identification of the challenges, rules and new business models driven by CSR / ESG
- The creating of values and the reduction of risks thanks to sustainability
- How to integrate sustainability into a global strategy
- How to establish a global diagnosis through existing tools : life cycle analysis, carbon footprint, sustainable development goals, ISO 26000 standards, social impacts…
- Prioritising issues by integrating stakeholders and using the materiality matrix
Lead Speaker : Karen Wauters - Managing Director, ILA
Case study speaker : Simonelli Alessandra - Head of Sustainable Development - Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) (ESR-labelled company)
- Adopting good mechanisms of governance (ex. advisory board with experts ; stakeholders committee ; employees as administrators for boards)
- Definition of Sustainable KPIs and their communication to the board, committee, and to external third parties
- Definition of stakeholders committee (linked between society and the company)
- Structure of a road-map to help boards of directors develop a CSR Governance framework or methodology, including suggested terms of reference for a CSR Committee
Assess the company’s performance through both financial and non-financial indicators
Lead Speaker : Stéphanie Deltenre - Managing Director - Forethix (ESR Labelled company)
Case study speaker : Moa Sigurdardottir - Head of Corporate Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility - Cargolux (ESR-labelled company)
- Introduction to non-financial performance reporting and its purposes
- Non-financial reporting context : from compliance to added value
- Non-financial Reporting standards : contributions and complementarities (GRI, IIRC, SASB, ESRS...)
- Non-financial Performance management : Integrate ESG criteria from strategic to operational management
- Non-financial Reporting roadmap (key milestones, roles and responsibilities, retro-planning, reporting tools, internal /external audit)
- National and International best practices (e.g.WBCSD)
- Case study
Innovate and invest responsibly to develop growth opportunities for Corporates
Lead Speaker : Philippe Drouillon - Metamorphosis | Certified B Corporation
Case study speaker : Catherine Remillet - Corporate Innovation - Paul Wurth
- Know the economic models allowing the marketing and operation of products or services adapted to the needs of nowadays
- Deploy an eco-innovation approach in all departments of a company (design offices, human resources, purchasing, etc.)
- Manage projects and support change within the company by integrating the constraints linked to the evolution of legislation, regulations, and customer needs in B to B as in B to C
- How to enhance internally and externally the procedures put in place to make them a lever of differentiation in increasingly competitive markets
- Know and master the tools for identifying design levers to improve the environmental profile of a product, good or service
Innovate and invest responsibly to develop growth opportunities for Banks and Insurances
Lead Speaker : Julien Froumouth - Sustainable Finance Adviser - ABBL (ESR-labelled company)
Case study speaker : Rudi Belli - Head of CSR/Sustainability - BCEE/Spuerkeess (ESR-labelled company)
- Notions : ESG, Green bonds, Social bonds, exclusions, Climate risks and impact investing
- Compliance with new European regulations (Taxonomy, CSRD, SFDR…etc.)
- Understand SFDR ‘s classification of funds (article 8 or 9)
- Technology for more Sustainability : Blockchain, Big Data, Analytics, IoT
Drive value creation for all stakeholders
Lead Speaker : Norman Fisch - Secrétaire général - INDR
Case study speaker : Gérard Zoller - CEO - Peintures Robin s.a.
- Definition of value and value creation
- Identifying stakeholder interests
- Developing a shared value strategy
- Discover creative ways to drive positive change
- Case study
Contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy through net zero emissions trajectories
Lead Speaker : Enrico Benetto - Head of Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis Group - LIST
Case Study Speaker : n.n.
- Climate change issues and climate adaptation
- The impact and dependencies of climate change on society, the global economy, and business.
- The need of decarbonization : net zero world objective and the resulting creation of opportunities
- Scope 1,2,3 and carbon footprint : How to measure and avoid greenwashing ?
- Carbon reduction approaches (energy efficiency, net zero approach, …)
- Best practices and initiatives (e.g. SBTi, UNRISD, ...)
- Case study
Embed the circular economy principle in the business model
Lead Speaker : Jeannot Schroeder - Senior Circular economy expert - ProGroup
Case Study Speaker : Sébastien Jungen - Associate Managing Director - BAMOLUX (ESR-labelled company)
- Define what circular economy is and what not !
- How does a circular approach help achieve the sustainability development goals ?
- The economic value offered by a circular approach
- Circular economy as a key building block for your strategy
- All will be illustrated with real case examples
Lead Speaker : Charlotte Michon - Human Rights and Due Diligence Consultant, IMS
Case study speaker : Florian Czech - Sustainable Development Manager- CFL (ESR-labelled company)
- The new duty of vigilance regulations
- The different risks and opportunities linked to ESG (human rights, environment, governance…)
- How to strengthen dialogue with stakeholders
- How to implement a vigilance plan and manage risks
Include and position employee stakeholders in the sustainable development process and foster their engagement
Lead Speaker : Nancy Thomas - Director - IMS Luxembourg
Case Study Speaker : Sandra Schengen - Deputy Head of Business Unit - HR & People Management - BCEE (ESR-labelled company)
The creation of a strong and relevant link between business goals and sustainability efforts
Sustainability as an integrated discipline across an organisation and its business functions
Applying change management skills for putting sustainability into the heart of business strategy and organisational culture
How to build a concrete action plan for a company in order to can with sustainability in a structured, systematic and business strategic way
Target audience
Entrepreneurs, CEOs, Top-level management position
The course is sanctioned by a certificate issued by the House of Training and cosigned by the Ministère de l’Economie.