Optimization of sorting centres for construction waste
The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is cooperating with the Luxembourgish company Polygone as part of its activities focusing on the management of waste resulting from construction sites.
LIST got involved alongside Polygone several months ago to resolve an important sectorial problem : optimizing and automating the design process for the management of waste sorting centres, which is currently carried out in a non-automated way. This cooperation is implemented within the collaborative research project “Optimization of the design of waste sorting centres with Polygone (OCTogone). This project then focuses on the development of a tool for automated, made-to-measure and optimal design of waste sorting centres.
In line with the reality of the constructions sites
With OCTogone, LIST researchers specialized in digital innovation (in particular, data science and applied mathematics) put to good use their supply chain and operations optimization skills and expertise, while at the same time consolidating their research trajectory in this area. Together, Polygone and LIST are developing a dedicated IT tool prototype enabling the automated and optimal design of waste sorting centres for construction sites. Thanks to this innovative collaborative project, the actors in charge of project management will benefit from a calibration tool handling the planning of waste management.
Towards increased productivity
Having arrived mid-way through the project, the partners foresee bright prospects ahead. Indeed, the first version of the prototype already demonstrates not only a significant potential in work time savings, but also increased competitiveness and precision to answer customers’ needs.
LIST was then already able to validate the research and innovation hypotheses initially co-defined with Polygone.
Optimization, an interesting approach for businesses
The expertise developed in the project is also relevant for different challenges with other companies, for example, Goodyear and the European Investment Bank.
With the industrialist, with which LIST entered into a large-scale partnership(involving around 15 research projects), researchers are working – among other things – on the creation of an IT tool for tyre design optimization. With the bank, LIST is focused on optimizing intelligent work spaces as part of the STAREBEI project.
To find out more about the octogone project, please see the project web page : https://www.list.lu/en/research/pro...