The University of Luxembourg Incubator and Entrepreneurship Programme Covid Response
In 2020 the University of Luxembourg Incubator and Entrepreneurship Programme team was faced with a challenge of global pandemic and had to adapt its activities to the new reality which we faced recently.
Here are some of the initiatives like Build your own internship that were developed to continue to deliver towards our mission objectives.
Build Your Own Internship is 10 weeks online programme which brings students of the University of Luxembourg 10 ECTS towards their degree. Due to COVID 19 situation most summer internships were cancelled. Our very first remote entrepreneurship initiative brought together more than 30 Master and Bachelor students from three different faculties of the University of Luxembourg.
During this programme participants had the opportunity to acquire the necessary entrepreneurship skills and develop their own ventures. Students’ teams worked on education, community, financial, health tech and civil engineering ideas aimed at bringing sustainable positive change in our society.
Other activities of the team had to also go online. For example, VMS mentoring sessions with startups as well as team’s bi-monthly meetings with mentors were done via Webex since the pandemia started.
The continuity of the educatonal and mentoring processes was thus ensured even in these uncertain and difficult times.

Prof. Till Dembeck :
“Build Your Own Internship started out as an experiment during the Covid 19 crisis. It was about offering students an alternative to canceled internships but the results surpassed the original purpose by far, turning it into an enormously enriching experience for everyone involved. I saw rather shy and skeptical students turn into self confident entrepreneurs in only two months thanks to the hands on approach of the programme and to the devoted work of the Entrepreneurship Programme and Incubator team as well as the mentors.”
Article from The Hive magazine by the University of Luxembourg Incubator and Entrepreneurship Programme, Infogreen partner.