The Circular Economy : its social dimension and the role of design (12/04/2016)
Conférence de Jan Glas, Industrial designer, Jan Glas Studio, Walferdange
Date de l’événement : mardi, 12 avril 2016, 19:00 - 20:30
Lieu : Campus Limpertsberg, Bâtiment des Sciences, room BS 2.01
162a, avenue de la Faïencerie
L-1511 Luxembourg
Public Lecture, All Welcome !
This lecture will provide an introduction to basic concepts related to the circular economy. It is only recently that the throwaway culture is under scrutiny by governments and researchers. The short lifespan of many consumer goods, their wastefulness and the growing awareness that their embedded carbon has implications for climate change, demands a slower throughput of materials in the economy. Merits and risks of a new focus in in the economy on this concept are explored. The lecture will present examples how designers help finding solutions, and also the about the growing (social) role designers play as part of a broader shift that is taking place in society. Emphasis is placed on the role of designers in bringing about such systemic change ; this role is illustrated with a range of examples of innovation through design that have proven successful in practice ; these include industrial, service and social designers.
- Readings :
Jeffrey D. Sachs (2015), The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia University Press, Chapters 1, 6, 12, 13, 14
- Further Readings :
Deaton, Angus (2013), The Great Escape : Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality, Princeton University Press, Chapter 1
Jan has more than 20 years of experience working as a designer, design manager & teacher. The focus of his activities is currently the promotion, facilitation and accompaniment of design for Luxembourg SME’s at Luxinnovation, the Luxembourg agency for promotion of innovation and research. Jan has a well-established local and international network of designers and experts to be able to deliver the best competences for the requested challenges to improve companies and organisations competitiveness.
Co-creation, co-design and design thinking are essential methods to improve the quality of the solutions for enterprises, organisations or societal issues. This collaborative approach towards every challenge is Jan’s speciality.
The personal website gives an overview of the work that has been realized alone but mainly in cooperation with designers, experts and the companies themselves.
Source : Université de Luxembourg - wwwfr.uni.lu