Transform Your Real Estate Projects with Sustainability : Integrate Reused Carpet

Transform Your Real Estate Projects with Sustainability : Integrate Reused Carpet

We are at a crucial turning point for the future of sustainable construction. Innovative material choices can not only reduce our ecological footprint but also transform our projects. Discover how reused carpets, among other sustainable solutions, can play a key role in this green revolution.

Ready to explore practices that combine performance with environmental respect ? Read on for captivating insights and a deep dive into our vision for a greener future.

1. Sustainable Materials

The construction sector alone accounts for 38% of global CO₂ emissions (UNEP, 2020), so reconsidering our material choices is a strategic imperative. But what is a sustainable material ?

Sustainable or ecological materials meet both the technical requirements of construction (safety, durability, maintenance, etc.) and environmental criteria, such as :

  • Responsible sourcing of raw materials, ideally local
  • Composition based on renewable materials
  • Low energy consumption for production and use
  • Ability to be recycled/reused at end of life

Some Examples of Sustainable Materials

2. Why Opt for Reused Carpets ?

As a real estate manager or business owner, you are aware of the ecological impact of your material choices. Have you considered using reused carpets in your construction or renovation projects ? You might not know it, but carpets can be highly valued and offer significant benefits for businesses.

➡️ Economic Benefits At Composil, we offer a stock of 30,000 m2, consisting only of mid to high-end references, all at half the price of new carpets.
➡️ Environmental Benefits Reused carpets are not only economical ! They also help reduce the consumption of new raw materials while decreasing the CO₂ emissions associated with the production of new construction materials.

Discover All the Benefits Here

3. Our Commitment to Sustainability

At Composil, we transform used carpets into high-quality products at competitive prices, contributing to more environmentally friendly construction projects.

Case Study : De Meuter Revalorizes 4,000 m2 of Carpet with Composil

De Meuter, a demolition expert in Belgium, deconstructed the NOR5 tower in Brussels with a strong focus on sustainability. Composil recovered and revalorized 4,000 m2 of carpet :

  • Prevented the incineration of 1,720 m2 of carpet, reducing the carbon footprint by 33.8 tons of CO₂.
  • 2,353.5 m2 were refurbished and reused in other projects, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability and the circular economy.

Other Case Studies Available : Composil Case Studies

4. Carpet Recovery and Recycling Process

Recycling carpets is a crucial step towards a more sustainable construction industry. By recovering and processing used carpets, we not only reduce waste but also conserve valuable resources and minimize our environmental footprint. This approach aligns with our commitment to promoting a circular economy and sustainable practices in all our projects.

Pour plus d’informations :

Contribution partenaire in4green
Publié le mercredi 25 septembre 2024
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