« Social responsibility at thyssenkrupp Elevator – Meeting with Jean-Louis Zeien
At thyssenkrupp Elevator we expect our suppliers to comply with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (www.unglobalcompact.org), International Labor Standards (ILO) and with the thyssenkrupp Elevator Supplier Code of Conduct.
As a global player in the elevator industry, we take responsibility towards human and labour rights, occupational health&safety, environmental protection and compliance in business practices.
thyssenkrupp Ascenseurs Luxembourg has been recognized for its leadership in social responsibility being awarded the national label of « Entreprise Responsable » since 2016.
In a continuous effort to be a responsible market player, the Managing Director of thyssenkrupp Elevator Luxembourg, Clément Wampach, invited the President of Fairtrade Luxembourg, Mr. Jean-Louis Zeien, to meet the thyssenkrupp Elevator BBNI Purchasing and Supply Management Community led by Philippe Esch, Head of Purchasing & Logistics BBNI. (BBNI stands for the thyssenkrupp Elevator region British Islands, Benelux, Nordic Countries and Italy.)
Mr. Jean-Louis Zeien, who is also the secretary general of Justice&Peace Luxembourg, was impressed by thyssenkrupp’s initiatives in terms of supplier selection, supplier code of conduct and supply chain audits in respect of the United Nations Principles of Business and Human Rights.
On the photo we see (from left to right) Philippe Esch, Arwin Giesbergen, Jean-Louis Zeien, Clément Wampach and Denis Léonard.”
More information about the UN Principles of Business and Human Rights :