400 participants at the BIMLUX 2018 annual conference
On 14 November 2018, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), in partnership with the Centre de Ressources des Technologies et de l’Innovation pour le Bâtiment (CRTI-B), Neobuild, and the Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieux-Conseils (OAI), hosted the BIMLUX 2018 conference held at the University of Luxembourg - Maison du Savoir, in Esch-Belval.
BIMLUX has become an unmissable annual event which this year brought together no fewer than 400 participants, exhibitors, speakers and co-organisers for a wide-ranging inventory of new approaches driven by the Building Information Modelling (BIM).
In light of the rapid developments in digitalisation in the construction industry, every year CRTI-B, along with its partners Neobuild, OAI and LIST, presents an inventory of this new work process that is being gradually adopted in the building world. Optimisation, efficiency, collaboration, information sharing and integrated planning, in addition to boosting the circular economy, significantly increasing building quality, increasing productivity in order to maintain competitiveness, reducing completion times and the total costs of building projects, …are just some of the benefits put forward by BIM methodology, which has also been identified as one of the technological pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution according to the Rifkin Study published at the end of 2016.
On the agenda in this fourth edition were talks by experts, innovative exhibitors and thematic workshops. The goal of this meeting was to review developments in the area of BIM and in integrating the collaborative process both nationally and at the European level.
Sylvain Kubicki, a BIM expert at LIST, explains : Industry expectations are huge. There is no shortage of international examples and initiatives. We must now implement an approach that controls the development of the BIM market in an inclusive way, by ensuring that no one is left out. In addition, Luxembourg can rely on its research infrastructure to support this development in terms of technology, policy, regulations and, above all, human capital. Digitalisation and BIM concern all stakeholders in the building sector.
Talks in the morning first of all showcased the progress made by the deployment of BIM in Luxembourg, with talks given by CRTI-B, OAI, and feedback from a building company (CDCL). Then Dr Bilal Succar (BIM excellence) reported on international developments by focusing on the key points (technology, policy, etc.) for disseminating BIM across the entire value chain. Finally, Pierre Mit, president of BuildingSmart France, set out French advances driven by the Building Digital Transition Plan and BuildingSmart France.
A highlight of BIMLUX 2018 was the participation of fourteen companies and organisations at stands showcasing their activities in this field. At LIST’s stand, participants were able to learn more about :
- The BIM4VET table, a tool dedicated to skills for BIM stakeholders and training recommendation,
- The participatory urban planning prototype developed by Elie Daher, a PhD student at LIST,
- The BIMEET project on BIM for energy efficiency.
The afternoon focused on three thematic workshops : BIM design : making your building go digital with BIM and BIM on the building site. The third workshop was organised by LIST and dealt with BIM for energy-efficient building.
This topic has been the focus of the BIM-based EU-wide Standardized Qualification Framework for achieving Energy Efficiency Training (BIMEET) international project team for over a year and several similar sessions have already taken place in Finland, France and the United Kingdom. The goal of this LIST workshop was to let participants learn about the use of BIM in energy-efficient building, its practical applications today, as well as current trends and issues in Luxembourg and across Europe. To start, five speakers discussed and demonstrated the importance of the topic for planning, design, construction and building management. The group brainstorming sessions which then followed helped to outline the uses of BIM for energy efficiency, set out future technological trends, and lastly detail how to implement professional training to support this.
BIMLUX 2018 was a success and an excellent opportunity for LIST to present its current projects in progress such as BIMEET and Standardized Vocational Education and Training for BIM in EU (BIM4VET). Demos and discussions among researchers and professionals also showed the need for an RTO (Research and Technology Organisation) like LIST to conduct innovative research work in direct partnership with companies.
The date of the 2019 edition has already been set !
Communiqué par L’Institut luxembourgeois des sciences et de la technologie (LIST)