Fostering responsible business practices
At Planet B, we’re committed to making a positive impact by promoting a healthier lifestyle and a cleaner environment. Here are the steps we take every day to ensure our operations are as sustainable as possible :
Energy conservation : We use green electricity and ensure devices like printers, computers, and coffee machines are completely turned off, not just on standby. We avoid illuminated advertisements during evenings and nights.
Eco-friendly web hosting : Our website servers run on green energy at our Luxembourg location.
Waste management : We diligently separate waste, use reusable containers for food, and minimize plastic usage.
Paper reduction : We aim to go paperless. When necessary, we use paper with eco-labels, and opt for sustainable office supplies. We print double-sided and avoid color printing. We refrain from printing catalogs.
Supporting local businesses and social initiatives : We support local businesses and sustainable products, such as getting our coffee in reusable containers from Mondo del Caffé. Additionally, our flyers are printed by Autisme Luxembourg a.s.b.l., a social enterprise in Luxembourg.
Green commuting : We encourage carpooling and the use of public transportation to reduce our carbon footprint and alleviate traffic congestion. Additionally, our business trips are planned with sustainability in mind. We prioritize travel by train, compensate for our CO2 emissions, and choose green hotels whenever possible.
We strive to be an example of sustainable practices and responsible behavior.
*Planet B is the first Luxembourgish tour operator that has been internationally awarded “Travelife Certified – Excellence in Sustainability”.
Text and illustration from Planet B