October days for sustainable development
On 19-20 October 2017, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) supported the October Days for Sustainable Development, held at the European Investment Bank (EIB) premises and organised by EIB Institute and the University of Luxembourg.
The focus of the third session of the October Days for Sustainable Development was on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Business : “How can businesses contribute to implement the SDGs 2030 agenda and ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns ?”. It covered how private and public companies can contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030 and ‘ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns’, as required by the 12th SDG.
LIST was represented by Dr. Enrico Benetto, Head of Life Cycle Sustainability and Risk Assessment RDI Unit, who moderated the session 3 “how to foster awareness and capacity development in the business world of the SDGs ?”, composed of six panellists. The exchanges highlighted the importance of collaborative and cross-sectorial initiatives, of individuals and personal commitment towards SDGs, the role of corporate reporting that shall be more “investor oriented” and of social venture capitalists, who are getting momentum. Overall, the session contributed to the global debate on the SDGs in a context of dialogue enhancement among stakeholders and civil-society towards a successful implementation of the SDGs.
Photo : Session 3 with all panellists, picture from left to right : Tom Pfeiffer (Deloitte), Charles-Albert Florentin (Luxinnovation), Enrico Benetto (LIST), Christoph Birkholz (IMPACT HUB Zurich), Cyril Fegue (University of Luxembourg), Andy Schmidt (B-Corp Community), David Connor (2030 HUB).
Source : LIST