Smart City as main topic of the International Symposium 2019
On 5-7 March 2019 will be held the 10th International Symposium and ADIMAP at Belval Innovation Campus, organised by the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), with the cooperation of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique (ENAP) and in partnership with LuxReal asbl.
The emergence of Smart City
The event will focus on the emergence of smart cities and the managerial, technological, organizational, socio-economic and geographical changes brought about by the complexity of the stakes and the challenges to be addressed concerning urban sustainable development in the future. The organizers of the Symposium particularly aim to promote a culture of discussion and debate between universities, elected representatives, practitioners and consultants, as well as a transfer of knowledge drafted scientifically for organizations for the common good, general interest and public service.
The results of applied researches and studies will be presented during scientific workshops. More than thirty scientific communications will be exposed from Asia, Africa, middle east, and Europe of course. Consequently, the speakers retained for the 10th symposium will speak to public leaders, high-civil servants and public services professionals, private consultants involved in the process of digital transformation, doctoral students and research and teaching staff.
Moreover, five thematic round tables will be organised. The key topics that will be proposed during the Symposium are :
- digitalization, platforms and data, the new formula winning for the public management ;
- the public governance renewed in the frame of Smart City : which place and interactions with the citzens ;
- the new models, tools of funding in order to develop the future infrastructures of Smart Cities oriented sustainable development ;
- the perspectives of new systems of smart transports ; the new trends in terms of health politics and practices in the frame of Smart City.
The synopsis of the round table presents the key questions which will be asked to panellists. You will discover the details of researchers’s investigated thematics for the scientific workshops and the content of round tables in order to stimulate debates and exhcanges between the panellists. Technology demonstrators dedicated to the themes of the International Symposium will be presented by the partner companies. The selected panellists for these round tables as well as the programme will be communicated soon via the conference website : www.symposium-managementpublic.com.
A City as a whole - Fromtheory to practice
To comprehend a city as a whole, as a system of systems, an interdisciplinary and systemic approach is more necessary than ever, in such a way as to tackle the dynamics of the complex systems in place.
So the Symposium organisation team embodies this simultaneous use of approaches and invite the scientific and professional community (high-ranking officials and consultants) to strategically consider the governance of these innovative cities, including, in a broader sense, territories and municipalities. Therefore, is also considered the question of suburban areas and the use of new technologies, social networks and their digitalization, or even connected services in urban areas, while having the obligation to guarantee well-being and social justice for its citizens. It will be up to the contributors and participants of the 2019 Symposium to ensure this takes place. The aim of the Symposium thematic focuses is to highlight the interdisciplinary principles and complexity of the systems.
The work of the symposium will take place in Luxembourg at the Belval innovation campus, a symbolic site due to the changes it brought about in Luxembourg and the border region, which enabled the emergence of this research centre from a former industrial wasteland.
Visit the conference website to get all information about the registration, venue and programme.